
Guardians Keep

Release Date: 31.08.2022
Publisher: Tiogiras
First Person
Low Poly
Tower Defense

"Can you defend you castle and your king?

If not... well there will be another king, as long as this castle stands."

About the game

You are playing as the siege-master of a sacred castle called "Guardians Keep". Due to its strategic location every king and queen of the land wants control over it. You where born and raised in the city walls beyond this castle. Therefor you where declared to defend it.

As you progress through the game, you will face stronger and stronger waves of attack. Loosing to one of those attacks means another king will reign over this castle. However if you manage to protect your king long enough and earn his trust, he will grant you more and more permissions to upgrade your defenses.

But trusting people can be dangerous...


AI Factions

Your castle blocks the only route to the other side of the land. As a result, all other factions want to rule this castle.

Your castle is surrounded by 7 other castles, 3 of which can attack directly. Whenever a castle is in range of an enemy castle, it can launch an attack against it. A faction becomes stronger against you as they hold more castles.


Flags, names, and kings or queens are randomly generated for each faction. One of the factions' castles will house the king or queen. As soon as this castle is captured by another faction, the previous faction will be destroyed, and the remaining castles will create their own faction.

Upgrades, Permits

Your castle's defences can be improved, troops can be added, and some miscellaneous mechanics can be added by approving upgrades. Upgrades are purchased with favor. To earn this currency, you must defend one king or queen for long enough against stronger and stronger enemies.

There are three categories of upgrades: Defence, Appearance(Misc.), and Rooms(Misc.).


For some Upgrades, you must first ask your king or queen for permission. Permissions are also purchased with favor. Besides, increasing defenses will also cause enemies to send more powerful attacks.

Defence Upgrades: Barriers, Guards, Archer Stands, Archers(Stands), Archer Towers, Archers(Towers), Burning Oil



When your castle is attacked by an enemy faction, you must defend your inner gate at all costs. You will be able to fight more effectively if you recruit additional soldiers.

The fight will end if your health reaches zero or the inner gate is breached, and you will have to regain the trust of the new faction.


Some features are unavailable during an attack, such as using the map, approving upgrades, or talking to the king. In contrast, upgrades such as burning oil will only be available once per fight if bought.


Guardians Keep was developed for my fourth semester of study at the University of applied science Mittweida.

If not specifically stated in the credits, all assets were created by me throughout the course of this project.

Due to the fact that it is an exam, version 0.3.0 will continue to be the primary version of the game, but additional updates are possible.